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  • 01/04
    Local opera
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    Sichuan north light show
    North sichuan lantern opera, also known as the "god of drum music", is popular in the north of sichuan area with a long history of folk song and dance drama, with north sichuan puppet show, north sichuan shadow puppetry for the north of sichuan opera three wonderful work. Up to now, there are lantern shows in north sichuan in enyang. During the harvest season in the countryside, the artists light red lanterns with the words "grain harvest" and "longevity" in the fields or in the courtyard. When the farmers saw the red light hanging high, they lit lanterns and torches and rushed from all directions to see the lantern show. The bamboo branch ci "see the light play" cloud: "a song and dance a lamp, the lamp has the play literary play has the lamp. The front and rear lights are tuned, and the house is full of laughs." The content of the lantern opera in north sichuan is mostly based on folklore and the life of the working people. There are more comedies than tragedies. Even the drama, bitter drama, also with a strong comic color. The performing art is close to life, with no fixed set style. It combines bayu dance, vaudeville, monkey play, puppet, shadow puppetry, "jumping duangong" and other forms. Its music is derived from the folk tune of north sichuan, the god song, the marriage song, the holy yu ballad, the tune is simple and clear, beautiful.

    North sichuan lantern opera formed a complete form, not later than the end of the Ming dynasty. Because the north sichuan region has multi-cultural characteristics and advocate more than god's folk, in the early chuanbei lamp play of god in heaven and earth (or 32) play, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism coexist, hero leader very much, god evil spirit is good, change multiterminal, flapping period is blurred, forming its legendary, honesty, exaggeration, humor and unique charm of the folk compatible folk dancing. North sichuan lantern opera is native to the content of the local customs, folk. There are more than 300 traditional plays, all of which are short, short and sweet. In the past, in addition to the farmers to amuse themselves, with a professional quality of many duangong. Its original spoke and performance means, evolved the dojo hurrying in a program, and absorbs a lot of sort, tune and folk songs and dances, it spoke into are adjustable (lamp string chamber, bitter plate, cross charm, eight league class) and mixed (all kinds of folk songs, sort of, small class), in the form of performance sky lanterns (mainly small drama) and ground lamp (all kinds of dancing lights). Actor performance in the beginning to sing, must first beat the drum gong a ring "dong Dan", do not have lasting appeal.

    Cuan places play
    Today's folk in enyang has begun to provide chuantan opera, and many migrant workers like to return home to celebrate their wealth. What is the essence of chuantan opera? Can be seen from the temple play god singing: "the Buddha Lao jun to send the edict, beat gong beat drum to celebrate the altar god, open the altar disciple a voice please, master master under the world, please 33 heaven, and then please the sky past god, dacheng the most holy Confucius, sakyamuni cash body. On the old gentleman riding green cattle, the three saints came together. Yin bodhisattva sitting lotus, manjushri puxian driving auspicious clouds. The king of wenchang opens wenyun, and then asks the sage of guan diwu to send his son to zhao gongming, the bodhisattva of the god of wealth. Happy birthday all arrive, happy god master smile..." Invited a lot of secular gods, its purpose is only one - "fortune, seek happiness."

    Enyang chuantan opera has a long history. The chuancuan altar is also known as the qiantan. According to the local records, "the stone with the diameter of the jing chi was placed on the ground floor at the right corner of the hall, and it was called 'luo gong tan'." In addition to the day and night offerings, every three years, will be extended to the home, pig offerings, yue qing altar (chuantan). Another cloud: "villagers on the niche, or the book four god of wealth, or the king of medicine, guanyin or more miscellaneous idol, ji ji a hall, not suitable for the Lord. And the right corner of the hall, for the altar god, or book luo gong's first teacher, or book zhao gong's marshal; Three years of small celebration, five years of big celebration, extension of sorcery, day and night to sing pulp songs, yue qing altar.

    The folk "altar", because the surname clan origin of the different, the altar god worship items have different. Such as liu family worship altar god for liu juntaro; The stone nest altar offered by the zhu family is the altar of the duke of zhao. Some offer different kinds of goods such as basket carriers and maiden altars. It seems that "altar god" is a multifarious miscellaneous god. So what is an altar? From the explanation on the dictionary: "altar" for the ancient times held sacrifices, vows and other ceremonies with the platform, multi-purpose earth and stone built, such as for heaven with the "temple of heaven"; Also used for "on stage worship"; There are also "flower beds" for growing flowers; At the same time, some clubs set up a gang meeting organization called the altar. There are also refers to the profession, such as the literary, film, poetry, art and so on, the monk religious activities called altar, altar. In ancient times, residential areas were called "tong tong" (altar), or "altar houses". The word "trade" refers to the dwelling house of a civilian family in ancient times. For this reason, "trade" means "residence", and the folk name "altar god" means "residence god". Mr. Hu jianguo points out in the book "witch exorcism and witchcraft" that there are gods of heaven, earth and human ghost in exorcism altar worship, but the most effective god is still the master god. Also have the sichuan Lord, the earth Lord and the earth vein dragon god called the house god and so on. Because of the family name of the different relations, their patriarch god is also different, which is the main reason for the variety of names of folk gods.

    The word chuantan was used for performing small operas in ancient times, so it can be seen that the real meaning of the word chuantan is to perform the local folk operas related to the god of god, whose scientific name is nuo opera. "Nuo" refers to "walking with a rhythmic appearance," the duangong group known as "yubu" or "gangbu", for this "nuo" refers to the performance of this kind of folk opera footwork. The ancient people said "nuo drama" is actually the ancient people's behavior of chasing ghosts. Performers wear masks with "four eyes of gold" and hold a goyang shield to ward off pestilence and spirits. There are special performance scripts, costumes, props. The accompaniment instrument is the gong and drum, the singing voice is the folk lantern opera card, and the accompaniment string instrument is the fat drum made of bamboo.

    Chuantan this folk local opera performance content in addition to exorcism epidemic, a large number of content is secular life content entertainment. Folk duangong chuantan is divided into "zhengtan" and "jutan", which are very different in content. "Zhengtan" for the entertainment of the gods, the main practice; "Jutan" is for entertainment, mainly entertainment, that is to sing the lamp play, play nuo, send money. The folk in enyang county call chuantan a mat play called "big blanket". Because the venue for the praise is a bamboo mat, and the audience watched all night.

    Chuantan opera is usually performed one day and one night. During the day, it is an altar opera. The main content of chuantan opera is 10: open altar sacrifice society, official documents, gate ban to persuade ghosts, zhaocu spirit taking, shufu lianchang, longshen leading soldiers, maochuandai illness, transliteration, star worship, and tranquilizing. These operas are relatively fixed, such as "the duke of zhao seeks life", "the story of the fairy child", "naked luo", "the story of the dragon god", "the story of the five gods", "land preservation"... Another kind is a folk tale the human drama of the story, drama is numerous, often change, such as the dream cry bamboo "introduced by lie ice" "send m in peace" "meng jiangnu" "fake monk back the bag trial article" justice for mouth zhang ", etc., need to add more in the show geely type in mandarin and acrobatics "fire" "behold! High knife ladder" bridge "dao" "bit tine" "to the top of his huasheng" stunt show, such as is popular with the masses.

    Chuantan opera's lyrics reach as far back as the western han dynasty and as close as the bailianjiao uprising. Enyang chuantan opera lyrics are "taishanglaojun command arrows, please come down to earth. In front of the road vanguard xu tiande, tong bing marshal ran tianyuan. Left vanguard leng tianlu, right commander wang guoxian. Lead thousands of troops, the commander of the army. Men and horses, will and soldiers, thousands of troops under the earth, met with the devil with a sword to cut, meet with the devil to make steel whip. The devil will be cut off, the devil will be cut off. Demons and ghosts all except, good men good women see the sky! "Among them, xu tiande, ran tianyuan, leng tianlu, wang guoxian are several big leaders of baishan bailianjiao.

    Chuantan opera performs almost the same style as folk lantern opera, which is performed on its venues. Many one-man show, such as "offering silk" a play only one land man finished. Second, the two people perform once an ugly model, both song and dance, similar to the northeast errenzhuan.

    Speak SAN yu
    It is a kind of common folk activity to speak the holy word, and it is also a kind of cultural activity form which focuses on spreading "loyalty and filial piety" and "promoting good and eliminating evil". According to the plot of the characters, the folk artists use the combination of rap to enlighten and warn the public to take virtue as the basis, be charitable, keep away from evil and respect the old. During the slack season and festivals, the oracles of the artisans on the high platform set up to face the audience, holding a wooden hammer, the false "oracles of the saints" to tell a variety of stories. This is similar to "teahouse" storytelling, but with a slight difference.

    Enyang's oracles have the local characteristics of the combination of legend and reality. For example, Yang longxian, sun chongshan, Chen zhikai, Chen xiangming and other artists who told the oracle in enyang town not only told traditional stories such as "twenty-four filial piety", "qin xianglian", "four henan" and "Chen xiang saved his mother", but also compiled new stories and speeches based on local people and events. Such as "self - wrong-doing" is to enyang a rampage in the countryside, the name of zhang feilong, the ultimate retribution for the theme into a new story, with things around the enlightenment around people. This and modern television entertainment program in education, has the same effect.

    Yu drum, piano

    Yugu daoqin is bamboo qin, also known as "dao qing" "dao tube", because the accompaniment of the instrument is made of bamboo fishing drum tube so named. The instrument is 3 feet long and 2 inches in diameter, and one end is covered with fish skin or pig intestines. During the performance, the performer holds the bamboo piano in an inclined way and smashes the bottom of the bamboo tube with his fingertips. The other one holds two bamboo tube boards and smacks them. The upper end of the board is tied with a small copper bell. The origin of daoqing, according to relevant documents, is in the late Ming and early qing dynasty, sichuan's cities and villages often yunyou daoists, with the way of "daoqing" singing good lyrics to beg for mercy, such as "twenty-four filial piety" and so on, singing more xuan door to harmonize the southern tone. In the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty, there began to be folk artists imitating Taoist yunyou to sing, which gradually became a popular form of folk art.

    In the qing dynasty, enyang was a very prosperous water terminal, along the enyang river, up to the south river, wangcang; Next to chongqing, wuhan, Shanghai. The exchange of goods and materials between daba mountain and basin passes here, and it is the material distribution center in north sichuan area. To guangxu years, the beginning of a non - flow of artists singing, from the street into the teahouse restaurant, called daoqing, singing is a story. Around 1925, wangjiang teahouse in enyang became a fixed library for singing bamboo piano. Since then, more and more libraries, there are many famous professional artists, from the bamboo qin in enyang into the prosperous period.

    Bamboo qin to prose interpretation, verse singing, singing simple and deep, bold and imposing, euphemistic and meticulous, mellow charm, good at depicting characters. It is mainly composed of the first person spokesmen and the third person narrative. Rap characters and stories, write humanoid, lyrical painting, narrative, lively and flexible. A common form of performance is one person sitting and singing. Sometimes, the singer simulates the roles and shows the expressions, manners and inner activities of different characters with different voice, tone and mood. From time to time, as a singer, he explained the context of the plot development, described the objective environment, and evaluated the characters and events in the book, revealing the singer's ideological tendency and love and hate. In addition to the long "three kingdoms" and "the nations", there are also short and medium "pipa notes", "zhun-mei case", "the story of the white snake", "hua mulan", "xun yangjiang", "fisherman's sword" and so on.
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