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  • 01/04
    Charm Enyang
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    Enyang district is located in the northeast of sichuan province, with bazhou district in the east, yilong county in the south, cangxi county and langzhong city in the west, and nanjiang county in the north. In the northern and southern dynasties, xiao yan, the emperor gaozu of the liang dynasty, set up yiyang county for six years. From 1933 to 1935, the red fourth front army established the county Soviet regime in enyang, and successively established yilang county and enyang county. In January 2013, enyang district of bazhong city was established with the approval of the state council. District covers 1177 square kilometers, in late 2018, census register population 650000 people, the resident population of 559600 people, receive government degrees, sandwiches, three city neighborhood offices, MingYang town, yushan town, the town of YuXi, flower town, tea town, under the eight temple town, grahame town and snow mountain town, eight temple town, xinglong town, the duke guan town, nine town, double wins town, group of towns, YinGu Town 15 town, 343 administrative villages, 100 communities.

    There were human beings living in enyang in the neolithic age. Since the northern and southern dynasties, enyang has been inhabited for more than 1490 years. According to the history of bazhong county, xiao yan, emperor wudi of the liang dynasty in the northern and southern dynasties, set up yiyang county for six years (AD 525). Set up in 1933, the red army to sichuan instrument Lang county, city, Yang county, grace Yang special set up in 1962 people's communes, in 1969 changed to revolutionary committee, in 1980 set up the town people's government, from district and township construction in 1993, the original grace Yang, department of city, the granite three townships merged with grace Yang town, restore system between urban and rural areas, at the end of 1997 from Mr Yang town, in April 2005, the original MingYang, town, Yang town merger to grace Yang town, on January 18, 2013, the State Council approved the establishment of bazhong Yang district. Due to the special geographical location, long human history, developed land and water transportation, culture and commerce are very prosperous, so far above and below the ground have left a large number of remains, very regional characteristics. The beautiful legend of red-plum osprey and Po daoguan beheaded snake contains the mysterious color of the land and water. The well-preserved ancient buildings of Ming and qing dynasties highlight the unique style of folk houses in northeast sichuan. The precious red army relics record the arduous battle course of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as xu qian and li xiannian. Once the original appearance of the quay inn, telling the enyang once the bustling scene of businessmen gathered. An ancient legend, a piece of historical remains, a full of folk customs, the interpretation of China's historical and cultural town, cultural tourism characteristics of the town, sichuan ten ancient towns long civilization.

    Neolithic age

    People of culture

    It is part of the daxi culture in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river (4400-3300 BC). From yunyang (now shiyan city, hubei province) in the han river basin, the ancestors from the east river basin in today's jialing river basin, the canal river basin around the establishment of patriarchal clan social tribes, respectively known as the pingzhou tribe, feng tribe.


    Belongs to the xia tribe alliance liangzhou territory.

    Shang dynasty

    Belongs to the qiang tribe liangzhou territory.

    The zhou dynasty

    The western zhou dynasty belongs to the territory of the state of feng (in the first year of the reign of king wu of zhou (1046 BC), the ancestors established the houfeng clan and settled the capital as qiping town, cangxi county).

    In the eastern zhou and warring states periods, it was located in the county of dangqu in the state of ba zi (six years ago, the state of feng was destroyed by the state of ba).

    The qin dynasty

    In the pre-qin period, it was located in dangqu county of ba county of the state of qin (zhou shenliang, wang ji decided to destroy ba zi in the sixth year (316 BC), and the state of qin established a five-level system of county, county, suburb/township, pavilion and lane according to the king of qin, which was under the jurisdiction of dangqu county of ba county).

    The han dynasty

    The eastern han dynasty was located in hanchang county of north Brazil county of liangzhou in the state of shu (in the twenty-third year of the reign of emperor xiandi of the han dynasty (219). Under the jurisdiction of hanchang county, north Brazil county, liangzhou. Liangzhou is one of the two states divided into yizhou and boreal Brazil county is one of the four counties divided into Brazil county.

    Jin dynasty

    The western jin dynasty belongs to liangzhou Brazil county qi shu county (jinhui emperor sima qian yuan kang six years (296 years), north Brazil county into Brazil county. Under the jurisdiction of brasil county).

    The eastern jin dynasty is liangzhou north Brazil county qi qi county yiyang township (jin xiaozong sima Dan yonghe three years (347 years), Brazil county again divided into north Brazil county).

    The northern and southern dynasties

    It belongs to yiyang county, taigu county, liangzhou county of the northern wei dynasty (tuobaisi, taizong of the wei dynasty, took the county name of yiyang (420 years), the county is located in the original town of enyang).

    Belongs to the state of the north of the state of liang yiyang county yiyang county (liang gaozu xiao yan ordinary six years (525 years), the county is located in the original town of enyang. Under the jurisdiction of the north state, the county is located in the original town of enyang, the county is still before).

    Belongs to the western wei state longzhou baima county yiyang county (the wei emperor tuobaqin two years (553 years), north bayi state name long, yiyang county, under the jurisdiction of longzhou baima county, the county before).

    Sui dynasty

    1. Yiyang town, hanchang county, liangzhou (583)

    Sui room set up state, county, suburbs/countryside, four - level system. Yiyang county set up a town, under the jurisdiction of hanchang county liangzhou). In the 18th year of emperor kai of gaozu (598), liangzhou was incorporated into yizhou. Yiyang remove town built county, renamed en Yang, the county is located in the original en Yang town.

    Qing hua county enyang county (sui shizu Yang guang daye two years (607), to establish a county, county, rural/rural, four - level system. Under the jurisdiction of qinghua county, the county before).

    The tang dynasty

    It belongs to enyang county of south west dao prefecture (the first year of li yuan's wude of tang gaozu (618 years), which established the five-level system of road, government/state, county, suburb/township and li. Shannan west road state jurisdiction, county before). Tang xuanzong li longji tianbao first year (742) bazhou renamed qinghua county.

    The song dynasty

    In the first year (960) of the reign of emperor taizu of the song dynasty, zhao kuangyin established a five-level system of roads, prefectures, counties, towns and townships. Under the jurisdiction of the state of li lu ba, county before).

    The yuan dynasty

    Is a book in the sichuan province guangyuan road office by Mr Yang county (back borjigin Kublai Khan to yuan thirteen years (1276), yuan room to set up the province, road, province, county, town/township, six levels of system. Under the jurisdiction of sichuan guangyuan road baoning government, county before).

    In the Ming dynasty

    It belongs to baoning prefecture, baoning prefecture, enyang town (the 10th year of the reign of emperor zhu yuanzhang in 1377). En Yang county set up a town, under the jurisdiction of baoning prefecture bazhong county). Ming hongwu thirteen years (1380) the state system, under the direct jurisdiction of baoning government.

    In the qing dynasty

    It belongs to enyang town of baoning prefecture in sichuan province (the seventh year of emperor aisin jueluo's xuanye kangxi (1667), and it is under the jurisdiction of baoning prefecture).

    The republic of China

    (1) it belongs to enyang town of bazhong county of jialing dao administration of sichuan province (in the second year of sun wende Ming of the republic of China (1914). Jialing road under the jurisdiction of bazhong county). In 2004, jialing road department removed the reform of the supervision area, as the supervision area in north sichuan.

    Sichuan province is a sichuan-shaanxi revolution area enyang county. In the 22nd year of the republic of China (July 1933), the Soviet enyang county committee was temporarily established, and the county government was located in the ancient town of enyang.

    People's Republic of China

    (1) it belongs to enyang town of bazhong county (on January 18, 1950, five levels of administrative district, administrative district, county, town/township and village were established. County area under the jurisdiction of bazhong county).

    Is a county in sichuan province county enyang town (1953, the establishment of the province, region, county, town/township, village five system. July 5, 1993, dachuan county easy area). In the same year, bazhong county to remove the region, as bazhong region.

    Is a city in sichuan province bazhou district enyang town (in June 2000, the autonomous region/province, city, district/county, town/township, community/village five levels system. Bazhou district under the jurisdiction of bazhong city).

    Belongs to enyang district of sichuan province (in January 2013, enyang district was established, and the district governance is located in dengke street of present enyang district).

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