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    Traditional marriage customs
    Marriage, in the old society is also one of the three major life events. Traditional wedding customs are quite complicated. With the development of society, although there are changes, but still maintain the traditional marriage practice of the underlying normative procedures.

    (1) matchmaker: also known as "red leaves" and "matchmaker", it is a matchmaker who communicates the relationship between men and women and transmits the information of the two families. From marriage to meet men and women in this period of time, is the matchmaker between the two men and women to understand, exchange the views of the parents of both sides, pass "birth eight characters", through fortune telling, "eight characters" match, and each other to agree, just decided to meet. It is up to each man and woman to decide whether or not they can get engaged.

    (2) meeting wine: a kind of engagement etiquette in which both parties, even parents and matchmakers, participate together. Through the matchmaker's shuttle matchmaking, both sides agreed to conclude the marriage, on the "meet to eat wine." Men go to their wives' houses, and women go to their husbands' houses. "Meet wine" to have a banquet, the husband to prepare the bride price. If the man went to the woman's house, it was necessary to have someone carry him or carry him. If the woman went to the man's house, the man sent new clothes, cash, sweets, cakes and other gifts. After the meeting of wine, announced the formal conclusion of the marriage, men and women both sides can exchange exchanges, that has become an unmarried couple.

    (3) prepare the bride price: prepare the bride price for both men and women. The woman's parents should prepare a dowry for their daughter; According to the requirements of the woman, the man should prepare the bride price, such as clothes, food (pork, wine, rice, noodles, etc.) and money. The bride price prepared by the husband shall be carried by the wedding procession to the wife's home, and her dowry shall be sent to the husband's home together with the bride by Mr. Adlai, the red leaves and the attendants.

    (4) please period: by the fortune teller to choose a good day, the two sides according to the wedding preparations are acceptable for the period of marriage, civil said the wedding date. By the man in accordance with the preparation of the situation to send to the woman big red paper "please", set the wedding time.

    (5) open face: before the girl marries, the woman that should ask meeting hairdressing USES cotton thread to wring the hair around eyebrow and facial hair, name "open face". After "open face", the hair style of the girl changes from girl plait to screw bun.

    (6) to welcome the bride: the ancients also called "qinying". At the time of the wedding, both men and women prepare for the wedding banquet, worship hall into the bridal chamber, uncover, drink wine, worship graves, wedding and other activities. First of all, the man should organize a wedding procession, including the band, sedan chair, bridesmaids, a number of workers, led by Mr. Set out to the bride's side in the front can't immediately into his room and the bride's side of the intersection and an on the side of guest department in the embanked courtyard with q&a and Mr Li to poetry to marry ceremony, the two sides battle, eloquence, and submit the related to turn, then can enter and scouring will be the man from the dowry revealed, let a guest to watch, folk said "the ritual". The wife officer lu si (cook) to hold the "box opening ceremony", the matchmaker, Mr.

    The wedding procession to the bride's room in front of the ceremony is generally: the bride's guest first with a large square table sealed the entrance, the table point on the incense wax, with the form of a ballad to ask questions, the groom's escort Mr. Answer, the answer is not into the room, the rest of the wedding ceremony are unable to carry out.

    In the traditional wedding process, the Cambodia text is more, very multifarious. The contents of the poems are written in ancient Chinese, with high literary content. Such as: "gengtiewen" also known as "luan jian" or "tang wen", is to submit sheng geng eight words of the post, when the other side received "hui geng wen", also known as "feng shu". As well as "the book of the period", "know", "report god", "the people", "open", "report", "courtesy", "worship", "letter", "east", "card", "invitation", "host", "thank you", etc. In the delivery of these notes, the husband Mr. And the wife of the guest company will also use poems and reply to the submitted text content of the relevant words. For example, after the newspaper was published, the man then handed over the newspaper to the man and recited, "after the report of god has finished, the report of the master, worship the ceremony, labor, worship and receive it, we worship the guest. "When the chariot and horse stop, the front heel of the door, dare not make a mistake, to reply to the text. Branch guest company: "start Sir, big drive presence, have trouble your body, worship its door first." . When the newspaper in front of the door at the end of the paper, the woman only lift the guest department to open the square table, to get out of the way, the man with Mr. Li dozens of people with the wedding team blow blow dozen in the door. At this point the woman's guest recited: "the gentleman came in a thousand miles away, not far away to usher in the carpet, the opposite line of a bow salute, the public drive into the MAO nunn. Please!" Mr Li then took the horse into the courtyard by the woman to arrange the seat to sit down, at the same time chant: "to come to the garden, if appropriate to ascend the temple of heaven, Mr He Lao please, want to visit gao xian. The betrothal gift that will welcome pro party sends is placed on a few square tables, detain gift Sir Cast "invitation letter" "hutch east text" (ask chef to open a box) "comb letter" hand over dressing case gift, send after "bye card letter" place gift ends.

    The bride's wedding ceremony: in the wedding ceremony before the formal one week or ten days before the "crying marriage", and a number of girls accompanied by a total cry, until the wedding date. On the night of matchmaking, the bride combs her hair, raises her eyebrows, rubs her hair and wears a headdress. Girls married to wear a "crown", come out from the boudoir, into the central room to worship ancestors, worship parents, to step on the drum from the foot, can not land, brother or brother from the drum took the girl back out of the central room. After the girl threw a pair of bamboo chopsticks behind her, the elder brother carried his younger sister into the sedan chair. Elder brother will raise the sedan chair three shake, the folk say "dizzy sedan chair". Sedan chair after the sedan recited the speech, the sedan can not land, immediately out. The ceremony is over. Bridal sedan chairs are only for newly married girls. Married women can't sit in sedan chairs. They can only sit on a pole or walk. The bridal sedan chair of newly married girl is extremely honorable, it is the official sedan chair of county taiye to meet, also want to give way.

    The groom's wedding ceremony: when the bridal sedan chair is not far from the front of the man's house, the groom will fire the "three eyes gun" (ancient people call it a fire spear), indicating that the sedan chair is ready to greet the bride. The groom in new clothes, saffron ribbon in the yard or waiting for the gate. When the bridal sedan to the ground covered with red cloth (felt) before, the bearer does not put the sedan, mouth Yin auspicious language, blessing, the groom's relatives to give out lucky money (red envelopes), sedan chair will stop the sedan open the lock. This lucky money will be Shared by the farewell guests, Mr. When seeing off the guests and the groom helping the bride out of the sedan, the groom's relatives should also give red envelopes to the bride, the bride will get out of the sedan, from the red carpet into the main room. By the ceremony born master of ceremonies, worship heaven and earth, worship ancestors, worship parents, husband and wife to worship, into the bridal chamber to drink wine.

    Worship grave: after drinking the cup of wine, the bride and groom to the ancestors of the tomb to worship the grave, incense wax, burn money paper, kowtow worship, let the ancestors know that they have become a husband and wife. At this time the roadside has lost a tooth of the child, to the bride to touch the tooth, the new teeth long.

    The ritual of removing the veil: the veil is a red colored silk that hangs over the bride's tiara. A bride from a poor family is married without a crown, and when her veil is lifted it reveals her face. This ceremony is in the bridal chamber prepared red eggs (eggs), wine glass and wine pot (pot on the "wedding" two words), lit incense wax table. Very gently and politely, the groom lifted the lid off with a weighing rod. The bride is shy, hook head, in the guidance of the mother into the role, drink "cupped wine" "eat happy eggs". The bride who always wears a crown, after the veil is lifted, the crown is still on the head, until the wedding after the end of the noisy, before going to bed, the groom has the right to take off the bride's crown. Before taking the crown, the bride and groom to each other, reciting poetry, and so on both men and women flirt mature, the woman also want to go to bed, the girl agreed to take off the crown, the groom to recitation "to flower song" : "a flower off a new flower, before the flower is false after the flower is true. Although the first flower has the title of flowers and birds, after the flower has a flower gatherer. Gently pluck the crown as you chant. The bridegroom began to undo the buttons of the bride's dress and went to bed. The ceremony is performed only if the bride and groom are scholars. In general wedding, especially the marriage of non-scholars do not hold this ceremony.

    Noisy nuptial chamber ceremony: it is by the sister-in-law elder brother sister-in-law that is the relation of the same generation with newly married couple participates in, and the elder can't attend a kind of frolic ceremony, with tease bride groom to amuse give priority to. All with the oral literature of poetry, rhymes, four words and eight sentences and other language to tease the bride and groom, let everyone enjoy the happiness of the wedding night, is a folk wedding night young men and women to newlywed as a poem competition, young people are very interested in. In tease, with bride groom is main object, every answer does not go up, the bride wants to scatter candy, melon seed, groom wants to scatter cigarette to wait a moment, make trouble to want to make late night commonly.

    In noisy bridal chamber process, groom bride wants to take smoke, pour tea, toast, answer to lift, ask groom bride to perform impromptu "program" wait, noisy bridal chamber person can according to the character of groom bride and temporary circumstance undertakes improvisation to make noisy chamber ballad. The song ballad that noisy nuptial chamber recites, bashan folk says "four words eight sentences" or "jingle", divide the traditional paragraph that part is folk flow rumor outside, in order to keep up with the situation, some is to undertake impromptu innovation on traditional paragraph. Noisy bridal chamber ceremony lively scene, can make more happy, mainly by the bride and groom's character, literary talent and participate in the literary talent of brothers and sisters brother and sister-in-law decided.

    Return door: the 2nd day after marriage undertakes, male and female two people ride slippery pole or walk, want to send affection gift. The groom goes up to his in-laws' door and "calls them", while the bride goes back to her mother's house. Because groom bride respective position is different, even before and after walk also has distinction. The groom is the guest, also known as the main guest. Take the slippery pole on the road, before the door, at least to the front of the father-in-law's house not far must the door to walk in front of the bride, or after the father-in-law's home, the elder daughter to train the lack of tutoring. The bride and groom to the room, immediately after the incense wax worship god to rest, the bride will go back to niang said long short. The custom of returning to the gate originated from the ancient forced marriage. "Return door" can not stay overnight in the home of his mother, must leave early and come home late, must return to the wedding chamber that night. Because, the bride the next day early in the morning to go into the kitchen to cook, the meal is good or bad directly related to the daughter-in-law's life, is the in-laws evaluate the daughter-in-law's key moment.

    Marriage customs:

    Babykin: a marriage between a man and a woman made by their parents while they are still nursing.

    Refers to the female embrace male marriage: female marriage without children, in order to pick up, the son-in-law to the son, be held son must change the surname, folk said "reverse door" or "refers to the female embrace male".

    Door-to-door marriage: that is, into wedlock marriage, folk said "door-to-door", do not change the family name.

    Change a house to marry (call to marry again) : after the husband dies, the wife cannot remarry go out, can only shift to the dead husband's brother or cousin to wait.

    Fill room marriage: the wife young die, the husband do not marry his surname of the daughter, by the dead wife's sister or elder sister to fill the room.

    Exchange marriage: in order to strengthen the ties between relatives, both men and women exchange their betrothal. This kind of marriage custom belongs to close relatives and should not be advocated.

    A review of the filial piety

    In the area of enyang, before the elder's funeral, there should be a serious "comment on filial piety". In this way, the deceased are sent off and filial piety education is carried out for the future generations.

    Comment on filial piety is the children of the old people who passed away and the direct younger generation within three generations are called filial piety, filial son, no matter what occupation you are engaged in, how high the position is, the identity is filial son at this time, should accept the evaluation of its filial behavior.

    The evaluation of filial piety is generally carried out on the eve of the funeral, by the male deceased family elders, the female deceased family guests, publicly comment on the filial piety of the deceased father or mother during support, medical treatment. In, on the long table, the elder outrank two side, just above the lack of seats, for the dead, filial son we knelt down, presided over by a family with fame elders, son of recommended a representative (usually the deceased's eldest son, the eldest daughter, daughter-in-law) to the guests and detailed reports about filial piety is the brief life of deceased relatives, life support, disease status, medical procedures, death time, affairs arrangement, etc. Then by the clan, relatives and neighbors of the dead children publicly comment on the filial piety. The comments are serious and serious, and unfilial children will be severely criticized. Listeners are also educated in the culture of filial piety. The custom of commenting on filial piety in enyang has been inherited in the countryside, which is the inheritance and development of the traditional virtues of respecting the old.

    The funeral custom

    Funeral customs for the "funeral" and "funeral" collectively. In ancient times "funeral" is "fierce ceremony", "funeral" is "auspicious ceremony". Funerals are one of life's three major events, as important as weddings. Weddings are "red" and funerals are "white". Funeral etiquette multifarious, in order to elaborate the convenience of the first talk about "funeral". Before death, for the dead body, wearing a shroud (singular, waist blue line, many years after the preparation of a number of lines), into the main room to set a seat to sit, after the fall of air shop bamboo mat for the dead on the mat, the fire paper on the face, known as "face paper". Burn money paper, called "inverted paper". Light the footlights and burn the grass. Long filial piety dai filial piety to relatives and friends to report the loss (where the elders are kneeling), report the memorial and burial date. On the doorstep of the deceased's house, set up a mourning hall, zhiling room, the dead into the coffin placed in the middle of the hall, ready for the memorial date.

    Funeral taboo: during the burial taboo cat into the hall, according to legend, afraid of cats scared corpse. Frightened corpse after the corpse sits on the bamboo mat, only with the big broom of the gold bamboo branch can push the corpse back to the original position. There are 5 clothing taboos for the dead, and 7 or 9 folk customs.

    Funeral custom: memorial ceremony is the core content of funeral custom:

    (1) guest offering: a memorial ceremony attended by the guest party. Often for the son-in-law to the in-laws, nephews to uncle aunt and so on to carry on the memorial, also have close friends memorial. Visitors into the house door in front of the filial piety, filial son are out on his knees to meet, especially the host side (female family elders) visitors more exquisite reception. Guest master elders often after, long filial piety kneel before the most, visitors into the room, the guest master finally like Buddha touch the head to say auspicious language, touch the head after the Lord filial piety to be flat. And according to the order of long filial piety flat return. After a short rest, the visitors first took part in the procession and walked around the coffin. If carry the sacrifice of pigs, generally in shenling after the ceremony, presided over by the ceremony, lu guan division. At midnight in the mourning hall to open a drink offering, read worship. Sacrifice and read the end of the total there is a "Ming! Alas for his comfort!" Jinren interprets "wu hu" as "sigh". Actually, the word "Ming hu" comes from tujia people who call their ancient ancestors "tiger" as "yu tu", "yu" reading "wu", "wu hu" ancient writing "yu xi", and "yu tu" pronounced as "earth", calling for the dead (ancient predecessors).

    (2) hall offering: the officiant party is the collective offering for the clan, generally for the dead of the family's high prestige. The more ceremonious sacrificial ceremony for the spot to kill sacrifice pig performing sacrifice, also known as the folk "blood offering". Hair filial piety after wearing filial piety by the original family to kneel down to pray by ceremony.

    (3) family offering: a memorial ceremony involving the dead's children and grandchildren. The "three offerings from the temple" (the first offering, the second offering, the last offering) and the "three offerings to the spirit" are ceremoniously presented. This ceremony is a kind of sacrificial ceremony in the Ming and qing dynasties.

    After the memorial ceremony, an all-night performance of filial piety is performed, which is a folk art activity with "filial piety" as the main content, until the end of sending the spirit to the cemetery before dawn. Send the spirit, also known as the folk "funeral" or "funeral". There are also many customs involved in the funeral procession.

    Cemetery: the cemetery is determined by the Yin and Yang gentleman after the choice of the "indooryard", it is as important as the "Yang house", the old folk very belief in the "Yin and Yang house" auspicious. Grave excavation has a taboo, can only be dug the same day into the day of burial, is the first day of excavation of the grave before the second day of burial also have to symbolic excavation, to indicate a new hole. Before burial, a sesame stalk should be used to burn the grave pit. After placing the coffin in the coffin, Mr. Yin and Yang should set the font by the mountain and burn the coffin symbolically with paper money, which is called the burning and offering. Then the burial ceremony is held. After covering the earth burn ling room, repair grave (base grave), there are burning seven, razor head to stay a hundred hair, burning a hundred and other customs.

    Burial custom: the custom of covering a coffin. "Bury" word according to the text solution word, up and down for the grass, the middle of the dead body. According to the ancient explanation, licorice was laid on the ground and the dead body was put on the grass. "Burial custom" is the custom of hiding dead bodies.

    Among the burial customs in daba mountain area, "earth burial" is the main one in ancient times. In addition to earth burial, there are many features and other ancient burial customs with research value.

    (1) cave burial: bashan people are called "saigan stone rock". This burial custom is mostly used by bashans for the death of a child, or the death of a very poor disease, the body is packed in a wooden box (fire box) made of six wooden boards, into the dry rock seam.

    A doctor in xinglong village saved money and made a big chair for Confucian scholars in a cave. Before he died, he put on his shroud and went into the rock. The rock door was sealed with cement after death.

    (2) hanging coffin burial: this kind of burial is also called "hanging coffin burial". Bazhong city nanjiang county light fog mountain is still preserved this burial custom. Four iron chains still hang the coffin from the dam's mournful rock on a cliff hundreds of meters above the sun and the moon. Most of those buried in this way were leprosy victims.

    (3) cave burial: the coffin is placed in a stone cave (mandongzi) dug by ancient people and used to be inhabited by human beings. Bashan people call it cave burial, and archaeologists call it "han tomb".

    (4) earth burial: there are several burial methods in the custom of earth burial, but all of them cover the coffin with earth. According to the status of the coffin or the deceased, burial can be divided into:

    Pit burial: a long square pit is dug in the ground. The coffin is placed in the direction measured by feng shui master and then buried in clay.

    Hanging coffin foundation burial: in the stone tomb repaired before the death of the person, the pavilion materials are hung on the wall of the tomb with four iron chains to prevent it from touching the ground. The top is arched with stone slabs, which are then buried with earth.

    Nail burial: a burial custom often adopted by taoists, directors of Tours, etc., and after the death of the dead. The dead body will be placed on a board larger than the person, and then the neck, hands, and feet of the dead with five big iron nail nail on the board, do not let it move, and then put in the pit with the soil buried. In the 1960s, this burial custom was discovered when zhang gongmiao village, sanxing township, enyang district, broke the grave and built a field.

    Headless body burial: this burial method has been found in the reconstruction of land in bazhong. There is no skull in the skeleton of the coffin. This burial custom is to punish the dead for having their heads taken away by the enemy or "beheaded".

    Soft corpse burial: the dead body with rotten bamboo mat wrapped, tied with a rope, do not see the house, just choose the ground, into the pit buried earth. It is the burial of the most destitute homes or the unattended bodies that die by the roadside.

    Cremation: "fire match" is cremated for burial, the ashes will be scattered into the mountains, rivers or worship in the cemetery. Nowadays, in some places, cremation is practiced, in which the urn is buried in a public place or sent back to the hometown for reburial.

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