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  • 01/04
    The former revolutionary court
    Current Location:Home -> Scenic Spots
    The revolutionary court is a bucket structure, a blue tile roof, a two-story wooden building, covering an area of about one mu, with a floor area of about 800 square meters. Upstairs set up a court, offices, housing; There is a downstairs cell for prisoners. A hundred steps down the stone stairs of the revolutionary court, the qifeng bridge and the adjacent water wharf were the execution grounds where the revolutionary court executed the condemned criminals by shooting. At that time, the enyang revolutionary court had 5-7 permanent staff, including a judicial committee, the state public prosecution office, a complaint registry, and a law enforcement administration office. Its main tasks were to suppress counter-revolutionary activities, to ensure the implementation of the Soviet constitution and all decrees, and to accept complaints and cases from people, mass organizations and government organs in the Soviet area. When dealing with the case, more than 200 cases, of which the recorded more than eighty, about all aspects of the civil dispute, township of the Soviet area by the referee commission, township referee committee encounter major event report area Soviet resolve or complained to the revolutionary court, district Soviet encounter major problems directly to the revolutionary court action. In 2016, the supreme people's court selected the former site of enyang revolutionary court as the base of revolutionary tradition education for courts across the country.
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